
Consuming Backend Services

The following are examples of using the Ycodify platform backend service endpoints for your application.

1. Create, get and update an account of your application

To start with the app persistence service, before it you will need to create and maintained an user account for your backend.

1.1. Create a new user account for your application

TO create an account in your app, see a example below how to do it.

Request [by curl]

$ curl -i -X POST \
  -H "X-TenantID: stark@mark" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{ \
    "username":"tony", \
    "password":"12345", \
    "email":"", \
    "status":1, \
    "roles":[{ "name":"ROLE_ADMIN" }]

Success return:

This operation, if it succeed, it wull return HTTP Status 201, besides the following JSON:

  "roles":[ {"name":"ROLE_ADMIN"} ]

Error return

If it had an error, the returned message will look like this:

  "erro":"Bad Request",
  "message":"username field must be present."

The kind of errors HTTP Status: 400 (Malformed request); 404 (Data ** not found**); 417 (Operation failure - unforeseen reason ); 500 ( Service logic internal failure - Server error).

Ok, now that you have your account, we going to see how to create and maintain your data models. One for each app you own!


1.2. For log in

After you have an registered service account, you will need to authenticate to access your workspace, and then you can create and maintain your models. See how to do this:

Request [by curl]

$ curl -i -X POST \
  -u "frontend:13579" \
  -d "username=stark@mark&password=12345&grant_type=password" \

Successfully return

The operation, if successfully, it will return HTTP 200 and the message below:

  "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...",
  "expires_in": 7199,
  "scope": "read write",
  "id": 1,
  "email": "",
  "username": "tony",
  "status": 1,
  "jti": "e27393a5-131a-499f-bd6e-96422deeb896"

Error return

If the operation had an error, the return will ve HTTP Status 400, with this message below:

  "erro_description":"Bad credentials"


1.3. Get account data

Now you've got an token (the access_token above) that identifies you in the platform, you can use it to request services and information from the platform. Of course, information that pertains to your workspace, your applications. For example, you can query your account profile data with:

Request [by curl]

$ curl -i -X GET -H "X-TenantID: stark@mark" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

Request [by curl]

$ curl -i -X GET -H "X-TenantID: stark@mark" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"

It's important only app admin user is allowed to make request to this terminal.

Successfully return

The operation, if successfully, it will return HTTP 200 and the message below:

in case you want to see all accounts of your app

    id: 1,
    username: 'tony',
    email: '',
    status: 1,
    createdAt: 1622209176288,
    updatedAt: null,
    version: 0,
    roles: [{ name: 'ROLE_ADMIN' }],

in case you want to see the data of a single account

  "roles":[ {"name":"ROLE_ADMIN"} ]

Error return

If the operation had an error, the return will have HTTP Status 400, as following body:

  "erro":"Not Found",
  "message":"account for that username not founded."


1.4. Update data account

Using the access_token you can update your account:

Request [by curl]

$ curl -i -X PUT \
  -H "X-TenantID: stark@mark" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{ \
    "email":"", \
    "status":1, \
    "name":"tony stark", \
    "roles":[{ "name":"ROLE_ADMIN" }] \

It's important to see the attribute version. Its value must be retrieved from the one defined in subsection 1.2

If you want to deactivate a client account, send the same request as above with the attribute status with value 0.

Successfully return

The operation, if successfully, it will return HTTP 200 and the message below:

  "name":"tony stark",
  "roles":[ {"name":"ROLE_ADMIN"} ]

Error return

If the operation had an error, the return will have HTTP Status 400 or 404, with the following body:

  "erro":"Not Found",
  "message":"account for that username not founded."


Here you will find information about how to consume our backend services for your app. The usage condition is account creation and data schema, covered in the previous section


2.1. Create and persist a new Object

Now that you have an account and a defined data schema, to create new data and keep it in your application database you should use the following endpoint as follows:

Request [by curl]

$ curl -i -X POST \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
  -H 'X-TenantID: stark@mark' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{ \
    "action": "CREATE", \
    "armor": { \
      "name": "Mark II", \
    } \

Your application, when sending a persistence request for a newly created data, you will necessarily need to inform the "X-TenantID" headers. It is also necessary for the app to inform the access token to your app, given after a user authentication of your app

Successfully return

The operation, if successfully, it will return HTTP 201 and the message below:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "Mark II",
  "user": "the_username_logged_into_the_application",
  "role": "the_role_for_username_logged_into_the_application",
  "createdat": 6543213568912,
  "updatedat": null,
  "version": null

Important: the object class defined as armor, has more attributes than the created ones. The Ycodify platform creates, for each defined class, six other attributes definitions. And they are:

idUnique identifier for this object and it's value space
userUser name that has requested the backend operation
roleIdentifies which role this user belongs to
createdatIndicates the date this data was first persisted in the database
updatedatInforms the last update operation of this data in the base
versionIt can be used to perform concurrency control

All of this six attribute are exclusive controlled by the platform, the user has no control about it's values.

Error return

If the operation had an error, the return will always have this format:

  "erro":"Bad Request",
  "message":"username field must be present."

The possible errors are:

  • 400 (Malformed request)
  • 406 (Conflict - Object already exists)
  • 417 (Operation failure - Unforeseen reason)
  • 500 (Service logic internal failure - Server error)


2.2. Get persisted Objects

There's two ways to request a data read. The first one describes how to get an unique object, based on your id attribute. The second one involves retrieving an instance list of data based on the use of filters. The next two subsections will show this.

2.2.1. Get a persistence Object

Get an unique data register:

Request [by curl]

$ curl -i -X POST \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
  -H 'X-TenantID: stark@mark' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{ \
    "action": "READ", \
    "armor": { \
      "id": 1 \
    } \

Your application, must send a exclusion request of a persisted data, necessarily need to inform the headers "X-TenantID" (an association between your username and the name of your data schema). It is also necessary for the app to provide the access token to your app (note that it is not the access token to your workspace on the Ycodify platform)

Successfully return

The operation, if successfully, it will return HTTP 200 and without message!

  "id": 1,
  "name": "Mark I",
  "user": "username_logged_into_the_application",
  "role": "role_for_username_logged_into_the_application",
  "createdat": 6543213568912,
  "updatedat": null,
  "version": null

Error return

If the operation had an error, the return will always have this format:

  "erro":"Bad Request",
  "message":"username field must be present."

The possible errors are:

  • 400 (Malformed request)
  • 406 (Conflict - Object already exists)
  • 417 (Operation failure - Unforeseen reason)
  • 500 (Service logic internal failure - Server error)

2.2.2. Get a list of persistence Objects

Here, get a list of persistence objects as follows:

Request [by curl]

$ curl -i -X POST \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
  -H 'X-TenantID: stark@mark' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{ \
    "action": "READ", \
    "armor": { \
      "name": {
        "IN": ["Mark I","Mark II"]
    } \

Your application, when sending a request for retrieval of persistent data, will necessarily need to inform the "X-TenantID" headers (an association between your username and the name of your data schema). It is also necessary for the app to provide the access token to your app (note that it is not the access token to your workspace on the Ycodify platform).

Successfully return

The operation, if successfully, it will return HTTP 200 and without message!

    id: 1,
    name: 'Mark I',
    user: 'username_logged_into_the_application',
    role: 'role_for_username_logged_into_the_application',
    createdat: 6543213568912,
    updatedat: null,
    version: null,

Error return

If the operation had an error, the return will always have this format:

  "erro":"Bad Request",
  "message":"username field must be present."

The possible errors are:

  • 400 (Malformed request)
  • 406 (Conflict - Object already exists)
  • 417 (Operation failure - Unforeseen reason)
  • 500 (Service logic internal failure - Server error)


2.3. Update an Object

Now that there are persisted objects in your database, you can update them as follows:

Request [by curl]

$ curl -i -X POST \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
  -H 'X-TenantID: stark@mark' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{ \
    "action": "UPDATE", \
    "armor": { \
      "id": 1, \
      "name": "Mark I" \
    } \

Your application, when sending a persistence request to update data, will necessarily need to inform the "X-TenantID" headers (an association between your username and the name of your data schema). It is also necessary for the app to provide the access token to your app (note that it is not the access token to your workspace on the Ycodify platform).

Successfully return

The operation, if successfully, it will return HTTP 200 and without message!

HTTP Message without body

Error return

If the operation had an error, the return will always have this format:

  "erro":"Bad Request",
  "message":"username field must be present."

The HTTP Status errors types:

  • 400 (Malformed request)
  • 404 (Data Not found)
  • 406 (Conflict - Object already exists)
  • 417 (Operation failure - Unforeseen reason)
  • 500 (Service logic internal failure - Server error)


2.4. Delete a persisted Object

You can delete a persisted _Object as follows:

Request [by curl]

$ curl -i -X POST \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
  -H 'X-TenantID: stark@mark' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{ \
    "action": "delete", \
    "objeto": { \
      "classUID": "armor", \
      "id": 1 \
    } \

Your application, when sending a request to delete persistent data, will necessarily need to inform the "X-TenantID" headers (an association between your username and the name of your data schema). It is also necessary for the app to provide the access token to your app (note that it is not the access token to your workspace on the Ycodify platform).

Successfully return

The operation, if successfully, it will return HTTP 200 and without message!

HTTP Message without body

Error return

If the operation had an error, the return will always have this format:

  "erro":"Bad Request",
  "message":"username field must be present."

The possible errors are:

  • 400 (Malformed request)
  • 406 (Conflict - Object already exists)
  • 417 (Operation failure - Unforeseen reason)
  • 500 (Service logic internal failure - Server error)


3. Consulting the Status of Service Consumption

4. Others resources

4.1. File Management Service

4.1.1. Upload a file:

4.1.2. Download a file:

Using Exported Code